Iki wo Nomu Utsukushisa (息を呑む美しさ - Breathtaking Beauty)

Feb 26, 2021 17:29
Iki wo Nomu Utsukushisa

Lately, I work while seeing natural landscape videos on a display installed at the back of my desk.

I played a Russian landscape video today.

The beautiful scene was played continuously, but the scenery of jewel-like ice (probably Lake Bikal) was breathtaking.

In the last Japanese sentence, I added 'iki wo nomu' (息を呑む) before 'utukushisa' (美しさ), meaning "beauty."

'Iki' (息) means "breath" and 'nomu' (呑む) means "to drink/swallow."

That is to say, 'iki wo nomu' implies that you are so surprised that you hold your breath for a moment, and it can emphasize adjectives.

Today's work did not go well very much because I was fascinated by the video.




直前の文で私は、"beauty" を意味する「美しさ」に「息を呑む」という言葉をつけました。

「息」は "breath"、「呑む」は "drink" や "swallow" を意味します。


No. 1 SlowAndSteady's correction
  • Lately, I work while seeing natural landscape videos on a display installed at the back of my desk.
  • Lately, I work while seeing natural landscape videos are on a display installed at the back of my desk.
  • The beautiful scene was played continuously, but the scenery of jewel-like ice (probably Lake Bikal) was breathtaking.
  • The beautiful scene was played continuously, but the scenery of jewel-like ice (probably Lake Bikal) was breathtaking.
  • Today's work did not go well very much because I was fascinated by the video.
  • Today's work did not go very well very much because I was fascinated by the video.
If you are negatively surprised, you can say you "gasped". Positively, you can say something "took my breath away."
Thank you for correcting my post and letting me know that! :)